Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Square One

This is a strictly personal post coming from a difficult time and place for me. I have been struggling, on a daily basis, to somehow tread water and not go under, but any swimmer can tell you that no matter how good of an athlete you are, you can only tread water for so long.

For the last few months I have been riding a constantly shifting field of emotions and feelings inside of my head. One moment laughs, then the next I become sad, almost inconsolable. And as an addict, I began to return to old comforts and ways. By the time I figured out that this was no way to live, wandering around at 4am after being locked out, it was too late. I've forfeited the trust that was shown to me by people I care deeply for - and now I am paying the ultimate prices, in terms of losing the job I love, the home I have, and the work and skills I have worked to build in the time I have been released from prison.

So now I go back to square one - wherever that is. The path forward is not particularly clear, nor comforting - and this may be the last time you hear from me for a while. Just know that from the bottom of my heart, if we have shared a moment, or you made me smile or laugh or even cry, I thank you so much for providing even a fleeting moment of joy in what has been the most emotionally demanding part of my life. Maybe this will pass like nothing and I won't even be gone long enough for anyone to miss. Or it could be forever - but I truly wish and hope that I get to make it back this far again.
