Well, it's been an interesting few weeks. As some of you may know, I had a couple setbacks in my personal and professional life that had more or less pushed the "Reset" button on the progress I had made since being released from incarceration in November. I'm sure some expected the worst, and while things have gone far from roses, I have been holding up well enough, and I'm happy to inform everyone that some progress is being made on the professional front, and the personal front is holding up okay as well.
Initially, it was looking like I may have been moving out of state, and that is still up in the air at this point. A fresh start would be nice, but what would be nicer is the ability to stay here and stay involved in the community that I love. I did lose the job that I love as well as the place that I stayed, but with the kindness of some friends, I am bouncing around, but at least have a mattress to sleep on every night. The one thing that I truly do miss the most is being able to create the graphic art that I truly did love doing, as well as my writing. This is unfortunately the first opportunity that I've had to write. Bouncing around between some admittedly less than ideal places has been rocky at times, but has also taught me that I have the ability to be a survivor, and that even the biggest setbacks won't necessarily doom me for life. There's not much more I can say than that right now - but I am eternally grateful for those that continue to stand by me and give their love and support. Hope to hear from you all soon.