The second major American gun massacre in the last two years has occurred in Aurora, Colorado, where a gunman killed 12 and wounded 50 at the midnight premier of The Dark Knight Rises, with a 6 year old among the injured and many under 18 wounded, possibly critically. This comes on the heels of the Jared Loughner incident in Tucson, and is Colorado’s second major gun massacre in the last 20 years, with the other being the Columbine High School massacre. Ironically, a Politico/NRA fluff piece came out just yesterday, with the normal gun nut contingent bleating the typical “that black man is coming to take our guns” bullshit that has become so acceptable in American society: (from
Barack Obama would be the most anti-gun president in American history. Senator Obama says “words matter.” But when it comes to your Second Amendment rights, he refuses to speak honestly about where he stands. In fact, Obama hides behind carefully chosen words and vague statements of support for sportsmen and gun rights to sidestep and camouflage the truth.Indeed, even the President is fearful of attempting to pass even common sense gun control legislation, perhaps something that would have prevented the deaths of more innocent Americans. The spectre of the NRA, who believe that Americans should be able to concealed-carry AK-47s and rocket launchers because it’s “constitutional” (it’s NOT), has successfully scared any politician with half of a brain away from attempting to pass any type of comprehensive gun legislation since the Columbine disaster. Does it take a room full of dead teenagers to force politicians into action in this country?
But even he can’t hide from the truth forever … his voting record, political associations, and long standing positions make it clear that, if elected, Barack Obama would be the most anti-gun president in American history.
It’s time for America’s fascination with gun worship to end. An obsession with guns that has no room for safety and common sense is something that should be out of our psyche by the time we turn 16. It’s sophomoric, idiotic, and deadly. Bill Maher sums up my views on the gun society in America perfectly:
“I find the gun laws in this country incomprehensible,” Morgan told Maher, and the latter took a shot at explaining them by explaining the culture. “I look at guns like antibiotics… sometimes you need them, but I don’t kiss my antibiotics, I don’t worship them” the way some worship guns, he explained. “Rick Santorum likes to talk about theology… this is a theology in this country, this is a religion.”Please join me in calling on our state and federal legislators to back comprehensive gun control legislation TODAY. A FULL FEDERAL assault weapons ban, ban on the sizes of clips, and real training and control on weapons. No more dead children – no more mothers crying – no more high school shootings. Let’s burn the NRA down and grow up as a country – if we don’t, who knows who will be next?
While Maher understood the value of having a Second Amendment, he noted that the context in which that amendment was written could not have anticipated the way guns evolved in the ability to do harm. “The Constitution could not foresee assault weapons,” he noted, adding once again that “no one is saying that we are attempting to create a gun free society, just reasonable limits.”